owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Front area: Collision warning
As soon as the first red distance seg-Park Assist can detect obstacles from a
ment comes on, you will hear an inter-considerable distance. If you drive in re-
mittent warning tone for approximately verse towards an obstacle, you will hear a
2seconds. Once the second red dis-warning tone. You must then brake in or-
tance segment comes on, you will hear der to avoid a collision. The warning tone
a continuous warning tone. You have for a collision will not sound when the vehi-
reached the minimum distance.cle is at a standstill very close to the obsta-
Rear area: cle. In this case, you will hear a
As soon as the first red distance seg-corresponding tone for the warning indica-1Park Assist button
ment comes on, you will hear an inter-tor in the rear area.2Indicator lamp
mittent warning tone for approximately iDuring strong rainfall, the collision warning
2seconds. Once the second red dis-may be triggered, for example, by water splash- Switching off Park Assist system:
tance segment comes on, you will hear ing into the area of the sensors.Press button 1.
a continuous warning tone. You have Indicator lamp 2 comes on.
reached the minimum distance.Switching Park Assist system on/off
iDuring strong rainfall, the warning indicators Switching on Park Assist system:
The Park Assist system can be switched off Press button 1 again.
and warning tones may be triggered, for exam-manually.
ple, by water splashing into the area of the sen- Indicator lamp 2 goes out.
sors. The Park Assist button with the indicator
lamp is located on the control panel on the iThe Park Assist system is automatically
right-hand side of the instrument cluster.switched on when the ignition ( page 336) and
radar sensors are switched on ( page 272).
iWhen the indicator lamp is illuminated, the
Park Assist system is switched off.

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year of production from: 2006

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