owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
Diesel particulate filter When driving short distances at low Emission control with AdBlue®11
Diesel cars are fitted with particle filters for morespeeds in a diesel car AdBlue is an additive used in the SCR12 system
efficient emission control. The capacity of the diesel emission control sys-to reduce emissions of noxious substances from
Particles in the exhaust gases are collected intem is affected by how the car is driven. It isa diesel engine.
the diesel particle filter during normal driving.important to drive varying distances at differentIn the SCR system, the AdBlue and the nitrous
When these conditions have been met, regenera-speeds to achieve optimal performance. oxide exhaust gas substance are converted to
tion starts to burn off the particles and empty theDriving short distances at low speeds (or in coldnitrogen and water vapour, which significantly
filter. To start regeneration, the engine must haveclimates) frequently, where the engine does notreduces the emissions of harmful nitrous oxides.
reached normal operating temperature. Regener-reach normal operating temperature, can lead to
ation of the particulate filter is automatic and nor-problems that can eventually cause a malfunctionAdBlue
mally takes 10-20 minutes. and trigger a warning message. If the vehicle isAdBlue is a colourless fluid that consists of
mostly driven in city traffic, it is important to regu-32.5% urea in deionised water and is produced
NOTE larly drive at higher speeds to allow the dieselin accordance with the ISO 22241 standard. It is
The following may arise during regeneration:emission control system to regenerate. specially developed for SCR cleaning technology
for diesel engines.
The car should be driven on A-roads at
a smaller reduction of engine power may•
• speeds in excess of 60 km/h (38 mph) for atAdBlue has its own tank in the car and is topped
be noticed temporarily up via a separate filler pipe behind the fuel filler
fuel consumption may increase temporar- least 20 minutes between each refuelling.
• flap. Consumption depends on driving style, out-
ily Related information side temperature and the operating temperature
Diesel (p. 434) of the system.
a smell of burning may arise. •
Emission control with AdBlue® (p. 436)
• Conditions for driving with AdBlue
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions There must always be AdBlue of the correct
Use the parking heater* in cold weather - the•
engine then reaches normal operating tempera- (p. 626) quality in the tank before the car can be started.
ture more quickly. The SCR system is very sensitive to contami-
IMPORTANT The emission control system continuously moni-
If the filter is completely filled with particles, it tors the tank level, quality and dosage of AdBlue.
may be difficult to start the engine and the fil- If something is wrong, a message is shown in the
ter is non-functional. Then there is a risk that driver display.
the filter will need to be replaced.
436 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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