owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
NOTE Driving in water IMPORTANT
When LSC with HDC is activated, the feel ofDriving in water means that the car is drivenEngine damage can occur if water enters
through deep water on a water-covered road-•
the accelerator pedal and engine responseway. Driving in water must be carried out withthe air filter.
are changed. If water enters the transmission, it
great caution. •
reduces the lubricating ability of the oil,
NOTE The car can be driven through water to a maxi-which shortens the service life of related
mum depth of 40 cm (15.7 inches) at no moresystems.
The driving mode is not designed to be usedthan walking speed. Extra caution should beDamage to any component, engine,
on public roads. exercised when passing through flowing water.•
transmission, turbocharger, differential or
During driving in water, maintain a low speed andits internal components caused by flood-
NOTE do not stop the car. When the water has beening, hydrostatic locking or oil shortage, is
The function is deactivated when driving atpassed, depress the brake pedal lightly andnot covered by the warranty.
check that full brake function is achieved. WaterIn the event of the engine stalling in
higher speeds and must be reactivated at aand mud for example can make the brake linings•
lower speed, if required. wet resulting in delayed brake function.water, do not try restart - tow the car from
the water to a workshop - an authorised
If necessary, clean the contacts for the elec-Volvo workshop is recommended. Risk of
Related information •
tric heater and trailer coupling after driving inengine breakdown.
Brake functions (p. 425)
• water and mud.
• Low speed control* (p. 433) Do not let the car stand with water over theRelated information
Drive modes* (p. 418) sills for any long period of time - this couldTowing (p. 453)
• •
cause electrical malfunctions. Recovering the car (p. 454)
* Option/accessory. 435

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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