owners manual Hyundai Ioniq
owners manual Hyundai Ioniq - year of production: 2016 - Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
Driving your vehicle
Chain Installation NOTICE Winter precautions
When installing tire chains, follow theWhen using tire chains:Use high quality ethylene glycol
manufacturer's instructions and coolant
mount them as tightly possible.Drive Wrong size chains or improperlyYour vehicle is delivered with high
installed chains can damage
slowly (less than 30 km/h (20 mph)) quality ethylene glycol coolant in the
your vehicle's brake lines, sus-
with chains installed. If you hear the cooling system. It is the only type of
pension, body and wheels.
chains contacting the body or chas- coolant that should be used because
sis, stop and tighten them. If they still Use SAE "S" class or wire
make contact, slow down until the it helps prevent corrosion in the cool-
chains. ing system, lubricates the water
noise stops. Remove the tire chains
If you hear noise caused by
as soon as you begin driving on pump and prevents freezing.Be sure
chains contacting the body,
cleared roads. to replace or replenish your coolant
retighten the chain to prevent
in accordance with the maintenance
When mounting snow chains, park
contact with the vehicle body.schedule in section 7. Before winter,
the vehicle on level ground away have your coolant tested to assure
To prevent body damage,
from traffic. Turn on the vehicle that its freezing point is sufficient for
Hazard Warning Flasher and place aretighten the chains after driving
0.5~1.0 km (0.3~0.6 miles).the temperatures anticipated during
triangular emergency warning device the winter.
Do not use tire chains on vehi-
behind the vehicle (if available).
Always place the vehicle in P (Park),cles equipped with aluminum
apply the parking brake and turn offwheels. If unavoidable, use a
wire type chain.
the vehicle before installing snow
chains. Use wire chains less than 12 mm
(0.47 in) thick to prevent damage
to the chain's connection.

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year of production from: 2016

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Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
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