owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Service products and filling capacities431
Coolant Mercedes-Benz recommends an antifreeze/
corrosion inhibitor concentrate in accordance
Important safety notes with
MBSpecifications for Service Products 310.1.
GWARNING iWhenthevehicleisfirstdelivered,itisfilled
If antifreezecomesintocontactwithhotcom-withacoolantmixturethatensuresadequate
ponents in the engine compartment, it mayantifreeze and corrosion protection.
ignite. There is a risk of fire and injury.iThecoolantischeckedwitheverymainte-
Lettheenginecooldownbeforeyouaddanti-nance interval at a qualified specialist work-
next to the filler neck. Thoroughly clean theFilling capacities
antifreeze from components before starting
the engine. Missing values were not available at time of
!Onlyaddcoolantthathasbeenpremixedgoing to print.
with the desired antifreeze protection. YouModel Capacity
could otherwise damage the engine.S4004MATIC
in the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Ser-S550e13.3 US qt (12.6 l)
vice Products, MB BeVo 310.1, e.g. on theS600
Internetathttp://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. 15.7 US qt (14.9 l)
Or contact a qualified specialist workshop.Mercedes‑May-
in countrieswherehightemperaturesprevail.Mercedes‑AMG8.5 US qt (8.0 l)
Otherwise, the engine cooling system is notS634MATIC
sufficiently protected from corrosion andMercedes‑AMG11.3 US qt (10.7 l)data
overheating. S65
iHavethecoolantregularlyreplaced at aAll other models12.8 US qt (12.1 l)ical
qualifiedspecialistworkshopandthereplace- hn
mentconfirmed in the Maintenance Booklet. c
The coolant is a mixture of water and anti-Windshield washer system Te
freeze/corrosion inhibitor. It performs the fol-
lowing tasks: Important safety notes
Rcorrosion protection
Rantifreeze protection GWARNING
Rraising the boiling point Windshieldwasherconcentratecouldigniteif
If the coolant has antifreeze protection down toit comes into contact with hot engine compo-
-35 ‡ (-37 †), the boiling point of the coolantnentsortheexhaustsystem.Thereisariskof
during operation is approximately 266 ‡fire and injury.
(130 †).
The antifreeze concentrate/corrosion inhibitorMakesurethatnowindshield washer con-
concentration in the engine cooling systemcentrate is spilled next to the filler neck.
Rbeatleast50%.Thiswill protect the engine!Donotadddistilledorde-ionized water to
cooling system against freezing down tothe washer fluid container. Otherwise, the
approximately -35 ‡ (-37 †). level sensor may be damaged.
Rnotexceed55%(antifreeze protection down!OnlyMBSummerFitandMBWinterFit
to -49 ‡ [-45 †]). Otherwise, heat will not bewasher fluid should be mixed together. The
dissipated as effectively.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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