owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Parktronic system* !The operational function of the Parktronic The Parktronic system deactivates at
system can be affected by dirty sensors, espe-speeds over approximately 11 mph
Warning! G cially at times of snow and ice. (18 km/h). At lower speeds the Parktronic
Make sure that the area on the bumpers around system turns on again.
the sensors is free of dirt, ice and/or slush, The Parktronic system also deactivates
Parktronic is a supplemental system. It is otherwise the Parktronic system may not when you set the automatic transmission
not intended to, nor does it replace, the function properly, see “Cleaning the Parktronic* to P or secure the vehicle in place with the
need for extreme care. The responsibility system sensors” ( page 559).
during parking and other critical maneuvers electronic parking brake and switch off the
iInterference caused by other ultrasonic sig-engine.
always remains with the driver.nals (e.g. working jackhammers, car wash, or the
air brakes of trucks) can cause the system to The Parktronic system monitors the sur-
send erratic indications, and should be taken roundings of your vehicle with six sensors
Warning! G into consideration. in the front bumper and four sensors in the
The Parktronic system is an electronic rear bumper.
Make sure no persons or animals are in the parking aid with ultrasonic sensors that
area in which you are maneuvering. You helps you while parking.
could otherwise injure them.It visually and audibly indicates the relative
distance between the vehicle and an ob-
!Special attention must be paid to objects stacle.
with smooth surfaces or low silhouettes (e.g. The Parktronic system is automatically ac-
trailer couplings, painted posts, elevated cross-tivated when you switch on the ignition, re-
bars or road curbs). Such objects may not be lease the electronic parking brake or start
detected by the system and can damage the the engine and engage gear D, R or N.
1Sensors in the front bumper (Only visi-
ble without DISTRONIC Plus*)

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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