owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual EN
pdf (12.14 MB) 489 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2001 - 2012:
Practical hints
Open the hood ( page 282).Removing the batteriesCharging and reinstalling batteries
Use the 10 mm open-end wrench from
the vehicle tool kit to disconnect the Removing the consumer batteryWarning!G
negative lead from negative Remove the screws securing the bat-
terminal 2 of the starter battery tery in the trunk.Never charge a battery while still installed in
( page 427). the vehicle unless the accessory battery
Remove the covers from the positive Remove the battery support and charge unit approved by Mercedes-Benz is
terminals 1 and 4 ( page 427).bracket. being used. Gases may escape during charg-
Disconnect the positive lead from pos- Pull out the battery ventilation hose ing and cause explosions that may result in
itive terminal 4 of the consumer bat-from the battery.paint damage, corrosion or personal injury.
tery ( page 427). Depending on battery arrangement in An accessory battery charge unit specially
Disconnect the positive lead from pos-your vehicle model, the ventilation tube adapted for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and
itive terminal 1 of the starter battery is located either on the left or right side tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz is
( page 427). of the battery. available, permitting the charging of the
Take out the battery. battery in its installe d position. Contact an
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for infor-
Removing the starter batterymation and availability. Charge battery in
accordance with the separate instructions
Remove the screws securing the start-for the accessory battery charger.
er battery in the engine compartment.
Pull battery ventilation 3
( page 427) out of the battery.
Lift the retaining bracket.
Remove the battery.

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year of production from: 2001

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Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual
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