owners manual Citroen C5
owners manual Citroen C5 - year of production: 2008 - Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual EN
pdf (19.69 MB) 336 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C5, year of production 2008:
A djusting the brightness and A djusting the date and the C hoosing the units
contrast time Press on A .
II Press on A . Press on A . Use C to select the "Choice of
Use C to select the "Brightness - Use C to select the "Date and units" menu, then confi rm your
video adjustment" menu. Confi rm time adjustment" menu, then choice with a press on C on the
with a press on C on the steering confi rm your choice with a press steering wheel or D on the audio
wheel or D on the audio equip-on C on the steering wheel or D equipment.
ment. on the audio equipment. Using C , select the unit then val-
Select the confi guration of the Select the screen confi guration idate with a press on C on the
screen using C . Confi rm with a using C . Confi rm with a press steering wheel or D on the audio
press on C on the steering wheel on C on the steering wheel or D equipment.
or D on the audio equipment. on the audio equipment. Confi rm with " OK" on the
Select the brightness setting. Select the date and the time set-screen.
Confi rm with a press on C on the tings, using B . Confi rm with a
steering wheel or D on the audio press on C on the steering wheel
equipment. or D on the audio equipment.
Select the inverse or normal dis- Press C to select the values you
play mode using C then validate wish to modify. Confi rm your Se lection of the type of
with a press on C on the steering choice with a press on C on the information displayed (Mode)
wheel or D on the audio equip-steering wheel or D on the audio
ment. To adjust the brightness equipment. Successive presses on the end of
select "+" or "-" and save your Confi rm with " OK" on the the wiper stalk or on the MODE but-
setting with a press on C . ton on the audio equipment permit
Confi rm with " OK" on the selection of the type of informa-
tion presented on the multifunction
screen (date or radio, CD, MP3 CD,
CD changer).

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year of production from: 2008

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manual Citroen C5 Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual
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manual Citroen C5 Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual
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