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owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600

owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN

Document: pdf (0 MB) 439 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
426 Identification plates radio frequency transmitting equipment).Identification plates Observethelegalrequirementsforretrofittings. If yourvehiclehasinstallationsfortwo-wayradioVehicle identification plate with vehi- equipment, use the power supply or antennacle identification number (VIN) connectionsintendedforusewiththebasicwir- ing.Besuretoobservethemanufacturer'saddi- tional instructions when installing. Deviations with respect to wavebands, maxi- mumtransmissionoutputsorantennapositions mustbeapprovedbyMercedes-Benz. Themaximumtransmissionoutput(PEAK)atthe base of the antenna must not exceed the fol- lowing values: Waveband Maximum transmission output Short wave 100W Location of vehicle identification plate (exam- 3-54MHz ple, left-hand-drive vehicle) XOpenthefrontleft-hand door. 4mwaveband 30W Youwill see vehicle identification plate :. 74-78MHz 2mwaveband 50W 144-174MHz Trunked radio/Tetra 10W data380-460MHz ical70cmwaveband 35W hn 400-460MHz c Mobile communications 10W Te (2G/3G/4G) Example: vehicle identification plate (USA only) Thefollowingcanbeusedinthevehiclewithout;VIN restrictions: =Vehiclemodel RRFtransmitters with a maximum transmis- sion output of up to 100 mW RRFtransmitters with transmitter frequencies in the 380 - 410 MHz waveband and a maxi- mumtransmission output of up to 2 W (trunked radio/Tetra) RMobiletelephones (2G/3G/4G) There is no restriction for antenna positions on theoutsideofthevehicleforthefollowingwave- bands: RTrunkedradio/Tetra R70cmwaveband Example:vehicleidentificationplate(Canadaonly) R2G/3G/4G ;VIN =Paintcode
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year of production from: 2014

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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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