text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Edge, year of production 2014:
Binding Arbitration and Class Action the right to litigate (or participate in as a
Waiver party or class member) all disputes in court
(a) Application. This Section applies to before a judge or jury. Instead, all disputes
any dispute EXCEPT IT DOES NOT will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator,
INCLUDE A DISPUTE RELATING TO whose decision will be final except for a
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, OR TO THE limited right of appeal under the Federal
ENFORCEMENT OR VALIDITY OF YOUR, Arbitration Act. Any court with jurisdiction
FORD MOTOR COMPANY, OR ANY OF over the parties may enforce the
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. (e) Class action waiver. Any proceedings
Dispute means any dispute, action, or other to resolve or litigate any dispute in any
controversy between You and FORD forum will be conducted solely on an
MOTOR COMPANY, other than the individual basis. Neither you nor FORD
exceptions listed above, concerning the MOTOR COMPANY, will seek to have any
SOFTWARE (including its price) or this dispute heard as a class action, as a private
EULA, whether in contract, warranty, tort, attorney general action, or in any other
statute, regulation, ordinance, or any other proceeding in which any party acts or
legal or equitable basis. proposes to act in a representative
(b) Notice of Dispute. In the event of a capacity. No arbitration or proceeding will
Dispute, You or FORD MOTOR COMPANY be combined with another without the
must give the other a “Notice of Dispute”, prior written consent of all parties to all
which is a written statement of the name, affected arbitrations or proceedings.
address, and contact information of the (f) Arbitration procedure. Any
party giving it, the facts giving rise to the arbitration will be conducted by the
dispute, and the relief requested. You and American Arbitration Association (the
FORD MOTOR COMPANY will attempt to “AAA”), under its Commercial Arbitration
resolve any dispute through informal Rules. If You are an individual and use the
negotiation within 60 days from the date SOFTWARE for personal or vehicle use, or
the Notice of Dispute is sent. After 60 days, if the value of the dispute is $75,000 or
You or FORD MOTOR COMPANY may less whether or not You are an individual
commence arbitration. or how You use the SOFTWARE, the AAA
(c) Small claims court. You may also Supplementary Procedures for
litigate any dispute in small claims court Consumer-Related Disputes will also
in your county of residence or FORD apply. To commence arbitration, submit a
MOTOR COMPANY’S principal place of Commercial Arbitration Rules Demand for
business, if the dispute meets all Arbitration form to the AAA. You may
requirements to be heard in the small request a telephonic or in-person hearing
claims court. You may litigate in small by following the AAA rules. In a dispute
claims court whether or not You involving $10,000 or less, any hearing will
negotiated informally first. be telephonic unless the arbitrator finds
good cause to hold an in-person hearing
(d) Binding arbitration. If You and FORD instead. For more information, see adr.org
MOTOR COMPANY, do not resolve any or call 1-800-778-7879. You agree to
dispute by informal negotiation or in small commence arbitration only in your county
claims court, any other effort to resolve of residence or FORD MOTOR COMPANY’ S
the dispute will be conducted exclusively principal place of business. The arbitrator
by binding arbitration. You are giving up
Edge/Galaxy/S-MAX (CDQ) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, First Printing
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