owners manual Jeep Liberty
owners manual Jeep Liberty - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Liberty, year of production 2008 - 2013:
• Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than• This vehicle has not been designed for use with
specified HOAT engine coolant (antifreeze), mayPropylene Glycol based engine coolant (anti-
result in engine damage and may decrease corro-freeze). Use of Propylene Glycol based engine
sion protection. If a non-HOAT engine coolantcoolant (antifreeze) is not recommended.
(antifreeze) is introduced into the cooling systemAdding Engine Coolant
in an emergency, it should be replaced with theYour vehicle has been built with an improved engine
specified engine coolant (antifreeze) as soon ascoolant (antifreeze) that allows extended maintenance
possible. intervals. This engine coolant (antifreeze) can be used up
• Do not use water alone or alcohol-based engineto five years or 102,000 miles (170 000 km) before
coolant (antifreeze) products. Do not use addi-replacement. To prevent reducing this extended mainte-
tional rust inhibitors or antirust products, as theynance period, it is important that you use the same 7
may not be compatible with the radiator engineengine coolant (antifreeze) throughout the life of your
coolant and may plug the radiator. vehicle. Please review these recommendations for using
(Continued)Hybrid Organic Additive Technology (HOAT) engine
coolant (antifreeze).

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year of production from: 2008

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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual
pages 424 - 430
Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual
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