owners manual Jeep Liberty
owners manual Jeep Liberty - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Liberty, year of production 2008 - 2013:
Windshield Wiper Blades with windshield washer solvent (not radiator antifreeze)
Clean the rubber edges of the wiper blades and theandoperatethesystemforafewsecondstoflushoutthe
windshield periodically with a sponge or soft cloth and aresidual water.
mildnon-abrasivecleanerorusethewashersolvent.ThisWhen refilling the washer fluid reservoir, take some
will remove accumulations of salt or road film.washer fluid and apply it to a cloth or towel and wipe
Operation of the wipers on dry glass for long periodsclean the wiper blades, this will help blade performance.
maycausedeterioration of the wiper blades. Always useTo prevent freeze-up of your windshield washer system
washerfluidwhenusingthewiperstoremovesaltordirtin cold weather, select a solution or mixture that meets or
from a dry windshield. exceeds the temperature range of your climate. This
Avoid using the wiper blades to remove frost or ice fromrating information can be found on most washer fluid
petroleum products such as engine oil, gasoline, etc.
Adding Washer Fluid WARNING!
ThewindshieldandrearwindowwasherssharethesameCommercially available windshield washer solvents
fluid reservoir. The fluid reservoir is located in the frontare flammable. They could ignite and burn you. Care
of the engine compartment. Be sure to check the fluidmust be exercised when filling or working around
level in the reservoir at regular intervals. Fill the reservoirthe washer solution.

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year of production from: 2008

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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual
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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KK owners manual
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