owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
There are three basic types of child restraintAchildrestraint may be secured in the vehicle bySMALLCHILDREN
systems: using either the LATCH (Lower Anchors andChildren that are over 1 year old and weigh at
● Rear-facing child restraintTethers for CHildren) system or with the vehicleleast 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain in a rear-facing
seat belt. For additional information, refer tochildrestraintaslongaspossibleuptotheheight
● Forward-facing child restraint“Child restraints” in this section.or weight limit of the child restraint. Children who
● Booster seat NISSAN recommends that all pre-teensoutgrow the height or weight limit of the rear-
Theproper restraint depends on the child’s size.andchildren be restrained in the rear seat.facing child restraint and are at least 1 year old
Generally, infants up to about 1 year and lessStudies show that children are safer whenshould be secured in a forward-facing child re-
than20lbs(9kg)shouldbeplacedinrear-facingproperly restrained in the rear seat than instraint with a harness. Refer to the manufactur-
child restraints. Forward-facing child restraintsthe front seat.er’s instructions for minimum and maximum
are available for children who outgrow rear-This is especially important because yourweight and height recommendations. NISSAN
facing child restraints and are at least 1 year old.vehicle has a supplemental restraint sys-recommends that small children be placed in
Boosterseatsareusedtohelppositionavehicletem (air bag system) for the front passen-child restraints that comply with Federal Motor
lap/shoulder belt on a child who can no longerger. For additional information, refer toVehicle Safety Standards or Canadian Motor Ve-
use a forward-facing child restraint.“Supplemental restraint system (SRS)” inhicle Safety Standards. You should choose a
this section. child restraint that fits your vehicle and always
WARNING follow the manufacturer’s instructions for instal-
INFANTS lation and use.
Infants and children need special protec-Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placedLARGERCHILDREN
tion. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fitin a rear-facing child restraint. NISSAN recom-
them properly. The shoulder belt maymends that infants be placed in child restraintsChildren should remain in a forward-facing child
cometooclosetothefaceorneck.Thelapthat comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safetyrestraint with a harness until they reach the maxi-
belt maynotfitovertheirsmallhipbones.Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safetymumheight or weight limit allowed by the child
In an accident, an improperly fitting seatStandards. You should choose a child restraintrestraint manufacturer.
belt could cause serious or fatal injury.that fits your vehicle and always follow the manu-
Always use appropriate child restraints.facturer’s instructions for installation and use.
All U.S. states and Canadian provincesorterrito-
ries require the use of approved child restraints
for infants and small children. For additional infor-
mation, refer to “Child restraints” in this section.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-23

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year of production from: 2013

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