owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| Automatic deactivation Start/Stop Using the Start/Stop function
In gear position D the steering wheel paddles areWith the Start/Stop function, the engineThe Start/Stop function temporarily switches off
deactivated after a short time if they are not used.switches off temporarily when the car has stop-the engine when stationary and then restarts it
This is indicated by means of the figure for theped e.g. at traffic lights or in a traffic queue, andautomatically when the journey is resumed.
current gear extinguishing. then starts again automatically when the journey
The exception is during engine braking - then theis resumed. The Start/Stop function is available when the
paddles are activated for as long as engine brak- engine is started and can be activated if certain
ing is in progress. Start/Stop is one of several energy-saving func-conditions have been met. The driver display indi-
tions intended to reduce fuel consumption, whichcates whether the function is available, active or
In gear position M there is no automatic deactiva-in turn helps to reduce exhaust emissions.unavailable, see heading "Symbols in driver dis-
tion. The system makes it possible to adopt an envi-play" below.
Related information ronmentally-conscious driving style by allowingAll of the cars normal systems such as lighting,
Gear positions for automatic gearboxthe car to engine auto-stop when possible.radio, etc. work normally, even when the engine is
• auto-stopped. However, some equipment may
(p. 408) Related information have its output temporarily reduced, e.g. the cli-
• Gear shift indicator* (p. 410) Using the Start/Stop function (p. 414)
• mate control systems fan speed or extremely
Conditions for the Start/Stop functionhigh volume on the audio system.
(p. 416) Auto-stop
The following is required for the engine to auto-
414 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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