owners manual Hyundai ix35
owners manual Hyundai ix35 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Hyundai ix35 Tucson II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai ix35, year of production 2009 - 2015:
EL(FL) UK 5.QXP 12/16/2014 8:10 PM Page 68
Driving your vehicle
Following distance Making turns Turn signals when towing a trailer
Stay at least twice as far behind the vehi-When you’re turning with a trailer, makeWhen you tow a trailer, your vehicle has
cle ahead as you would when drwider turivingns than normal. Do this so yourto have a different turn signal flasher and
your vehicle without a trailer. This cantrailer won’t strike soft shoulders, kerbsextr,a wiring. The green arrows on your
help you avoid situations that requireroad signs, trees, or other objects. Avoidinstrument panel will flash whenever you
heavy braking and sudden turns.jerky or sudden manoeuvres.Signal wellsignal a turn or lane change. Properly
in advance. connected, the trailer lights will also flash
Passing to alert other drivers you’re about to turn,
change lanes, or stop.
You’ll need more passing distance up
ahead when you’re towing a trailer. And, When towing a trailer, the green arrows
because of the increased vehicle length, on your instrument panel will flash for
you’ll need to go much farther beyond the turns even if the bulbs on the trailer are
passed vehicle before you can return to burned out. Thus, you may think drivers
your lane. behind you are seeing your signals
when, in fact, they are not. It’s important
Backing up to check occasionally to be sure the trail-
Hold the bottom of the steering wheel er bulbs are still working.You must also
with one hand.Then, to move the trailer check the lights every time you discon-
to the left, just move your hand to the left. nect and then reconnect the wires.
To move the trailer to the right, move your Do not connect a trailer lighting system
hand to the right. Always back up slowly directly to your vehicle’s lighting system.
and, if possible, have someone guide Use only an approved trailer wiring har-
you. ness.
A HYUNDAI authorised repairer can
assist you in installing the wiring harness.
5 68

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year of production from: 2009

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Hyundai ix35 Tucson II 2 owners manual
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