owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
What to do in an emergency
Changing a tire with TPMSEven if you replace the low pressure If an original mounted tire is replaced
with the spare tire, the TPMS sensor
tire with the spare tire, the Low Tire
If you have a flat tire, the Low Tire on the replaced spare wheel should
Pressure telltale will remain on until
Pressure telltale will come on. Have be initiated and the TPMS sensor on
the flat tire repaired by an authorizedthe low pressure tire is repaired and
placed on the vehicle. the original mounted wheel should be
Kia dealer as soon as possible or deactivated.If the TPMS sensor on
After you replace the low pressure
replace the flat tire with the spare
the original mounted wheel located in
tire. tire with the spare tire, the TPMS
the spare tire carrier still activates,
malfunction indicator may illuminate
the tire pressure monitoring system
CAUTION- Repair Agentsafter a few minutes because the
may not operate properly. Have the
TPMS sensor mounted on the spare
Never use a puncture-repairing tire with TPMS serviced or replaced
wheel is not initiated. by an authorized Kia dealer.
agent not approved by Kia to
Once the low pressure tire is inflated
repair and/or inflate a low pres- You may not be able to identify a low
again to the recommended pressure
sure tire. The sealant not tire by simply looking at it. Always
and installed on the vehicle or the
approved by Kia may damage use a good quality tire pressure
the tire pressure sensor.TPMS sensor mounted on the
gauge to measure the tire's inflation
replaced spare wheel is initiated by
pressure. Please note that a tire that
an authorized Kia dealer, the TPMS
malfunction indicator and the low tireis hot (from being driven) will have a
Each wheel is equipped with a tire higher pressure measurement than a
pressure telltale will turn off within a
pressure sensor mounted inside the tire that is cold (from sitting station-
few minutes of driving.
tire behind the valve stem.You must ary for at least 3 hours and driven
If the indicator has not disappeared
use TPMS specific wheels. It is rec- less than 1 mile (1.6 km) during that
after a few minutes of driving, please
ommended that you always have 3 hour period).
visit an authorized Kia dealer.
your tires serviced by an authorized
Kia dealer.
6 12
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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