owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
||Applicable when switching offHelp when starting on a hillAuto braking after a collision
If the function is active and holds theHill start assist, Hill Start Assist (HSA), preventsIn the event of a collision in which the activation
car with the foot brake (A-symbol illu-the car from rolling backwards when starting onlevel is reached for the pyrotechnic seatbelt ten-
minated) then the brake pedal must bean uphill gradient. When reversing uphill, it pre-sioners or airbags, or if a collision with a large
depressed at the same time as thevents the car from rolling forwards.animal is detected, the cars brakes are automat-
button is depressed in order to deactivate.The function means that the pedal pressure inically applied. This function is to prevent or
The function remains deactivated until it isthe brake system remains for several secondsreduce the effects of any subsequent collision.
• while the drivers foot is moved from brake pedal
reactivated. to accelerator pedal. After a serious collision there is a risk that it is no
When the function is deactivated, hill start longer possible to control and steer the car. In
assist (HSA) remains active to prevent theThe temporary braking effect releases after sev-order to avoid or mitigate a possible further colli-
car from rolling backwards when starting oneral seconds or when the driver starts to drivesion with a vehicle or an object in the vehicles
an uphill gradient. away. path, the auto braking system is activated auto-
Related information Hill start assist is available even if the function formatically and brakes the car in a safe manner.
Automatic braking when stationary (p. 407)automatic braking when stationary (Auto hold) isBrake lights and hazard warning lights are acti-
• deactivated. vated during braking. When the car has stopped,
Related information the hazard warning lights continue to flash and
Automatic braking when stationary (p. 407)the parking brake is applied.
Foot brake (p. 401) If braking is not appropriate, e.g. if there is a risk
• of being hit by following traffic, the system can be
overridden by the driver depressing the accelera-
tor pedal.
The function assumes that the brake system is
intact after the collision.
Brake assist is included in the Rear Collision
Warning and Blind Spot Information safety sys-

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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