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from owners manual to the vehicle Ford Mustang, year of production 2014:
Agreement), and thus your use of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Telenav Software is also subject to such License Limitations on Use:
terms. You agree to comply with the
following additional terms and conditions, You agree that your license to use this Data
which are applicable to Telenav’s third is limited to and conditioned on use for
party vendor licensors: solely personal, noncommercial purposes,
End User License Agreement For and not for service bureau, timesharing or
Distribution By HERE For North other similar purposes. Except as otherwise
America/APAC set forth herein, you agree not to otherwise
reproduce, copy, modify, decompile,
The content provided (“Data”) is licensed, disassemble or reverse engineer any
not sold. By opening this package, or portion of this Data, and may not transfer
installing, copying, or otherwise using the or distribute it in any form, for any purpose,
Data, you agree to be bound by the terms except to the extent permitted by
of this agreement. If you do not agree to mandatory laws.
the terms of this agreement, you are not License Limitations on Transfer:
permitted to install, copy, use, resell or
transfer the Data. If you wish to reject the Your limited license does not allow transfer
terms of this agreement, and have not or resale of the Data, except on the
installed, copied, or used the Data, you condition that you may transfer the Data
must contact your retailer or HERE North and all accompanying materials on a
America, LLC (as defined below) within permanent basis if: (a) you retain no copies
thirty (30) days of purchase for a refund of the Data; (b) the recipient agrees to the
of your purchase price. To contact HERE, terms of this End-User License Agreement;
please visit www.here.com. and (c) you transfer the Data in the exact
The Data is provided for your personal, same form as you purchased it by
internal use only and may not be resold. It physically transferring the original media
is protected by copyright, and is subject to (e.g., the CD-ROM or DVD you purchased),
the following terms (this “End User License all original packaging, all Manuals and
Agreement”) and conditions which are other documentation. Specifically,
agreed to by you, on the one hand, and Multi-disc sets may only be transferred or
HERE and its licensors (including their sold as a complete set as provided to you
licensors and suppliers) on the other hand. and not as a subset thereof.
For purposes of these terms, “HERE” shall Additional License Limitations:
mean (a) HERE North America, LLC with
respect to Data for the Americas and/or Except where you have been specifically
the Asia Pacific region and (b) HERE licensed to do so by HERE in a separate
Europe B.V. for Data for Europe, the Middle written agreement, and without limiting
East and/or Africa. the preceding paragraph, your license is
The Data includes certain information and conditioned on use of the Data as
related content provided under license to prescribed in this agreement, and you may
HERE from third parties and is subject to not (a) use this Data with any products,
the applicable supplier terms and systems, or applications installed or
copyright notices set forth at the following otherwise connected to or in
URL: communication with vehicles capable of
http://corporate.navteq.com/supplier_terms.html. vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch,
Mustang (), enUSA, First Printing
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