owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 5.QXP 9/30/2015 5:24 PM Page 37
Driving your vehicle
Ignition key interlock system Good driving practices Always use the parking brake. Do not
(if equipped) depend on placing the transaxle in P
Never move the shift lever from P
The ignition key cannot be removed (Park) to keep the car from moving.
(Park) or N (Neutral) to any other posi-
unless the shift lever is in the P (Park) Exercise extreme caution when driving
tion with the accelerator pedal
position. depressed. on a slippery surface. Be especially
Never move the shift lever into P (Park)careful when braking, accelerating or
when the vehicle is in motion.shifting gears. On a slippery surface,
an abrupt change in vehicle speed can
Be sure the car is completely stopped
cause the drive wheels to lose traction
before you attempt to shift into R
(Reverse) or D (Drive). and the vehicle to go out of control.
Optimum vehicle performance and
Never take the car out of gear and
economy is obtained by smoothly
coast down a hill. This may be
extremely hazardous.Always leave thedepressing and releasing the accelera-
car in gear when moving. tor pedal.
Do not "ride" the brakes. This can
cause them to overheat and malfunc-
tion. Instead, when you are driving
down a long hill, slow down and shift to
a lower gear.When you do this, engine
braking will help slow the car.
Slow down before shifting to a lower
gear. Otherwise, the lower gear may
not be engaged.
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year of production from: 2012
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KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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