owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Vehicle electronics 407
The maximumtransmission output (PEAK) at
the base of the antenna must not exceed the
following values:
Waveband Maximum
Short wave 100W
Approved antenna positions 4mwaveband 30W
;Rearroofarea 2mwaveband 50W
=Rearfender 144-174MHz
iOnvehicleswithpanoramaroofwith Trunked radio/Tetra 10W
power tilt/sliding panel, installing an380-460MHz
antennatothefrontorrearroofareaisnot70cmwaveband 35W
Ontherearfenders, it is recommended to400-460MHz
position the antenna on the side of theMobile communications10W
vehicle closest to the center of the road.(2G/3G/4G)
UsetheTechnical Specification ISO/TS
21609whenretrofitting RF transmittersThefollowingcanbeusedinthevehiclewith-data
(Road Vehicles - EMC guidelines for installa-out restrictions: l
tion of aftermarket radio frequency transmit- a
ting equipment). Observe the legal require-RRFtransmitterswithamaximumtransmis-
ments for retrofittings. sion output of up to 100 mW chnic
If your vehicle has installations for two-wayRRFtransmitters with transmitter frequen-Te
radio equipment, use the power supply orcies in the 380 - 410 MHz waveband and a
antenna connections intended for use withmaximumtransmissionoutputofupto2W
thebasicwiring.Besuretoobservetheman-(trunked radio/Tetra)
ufacturer's additional instructions whenRMobiletelephones (2G/3G/4G)
installing. There is no restriction for antenna positions
Deviations with respect to wavebands, maxi-ontheoutsideofthevehicleforthefollowing
mumtransmission outputs or antenna posi-wavebands:
tions must be approved by Mercedes-Benz.RTrunkedradio/Tetra
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year of production from: 2015
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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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