owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Notice: Use only engine oil identified as meetingWhentoChangeEngine Oil
GMStandard GM6094M and showing the American(GM Oil Life System)
Petroleum Institute Certified For Gasoline Engines
starburst symbol. Failure to use the recommendedYourvehicle has a computer system that lets you know
oil can result in engine damage not covered bywhentochangetheengineoilandfilter.Thisisbasedon
your warranty. enginerevolutions and engine temperature, and not on
GMGoodwrench® oil meets all the requirements formileage. Based on driving conditions, the mileage at
your vehicle. whichanoilchangewillbeindicatedcanvary
If you are in an area of extreme cold, where theconsiderably. For the oil life system to work properly, you
temperature falls below −20°F (−29°C), it ismustresetthesystemeverytimetheoilischanged.
recommended that you use either an SAE 5W-30Whenthesystemhascalculatedthatoillifehasbeen
synthetic oil or an SAE 0W-30 oil. Both will providediminished, it will indicate that an oil change is necessary.
easier cold starting and better protection for yourACHANGEENGINEOILmessagewillcomeon.Change
engine at extremely low temperatures.your oil as soon as possible within the next two times you
stop for fuel. It is possible that, if you are driving under the
Engine Oil Additives best conditions, the oil life system may not indicate that
Do not add anything to your oil. The recommendedanoil change is necessary for over a year. However, your
oils with the starburst symbol that meet GM Standardengineoil and filter must be changed at least once a year
GM6094Mare all you will need for good performanceandatthistimethesystemmustbereset.Yourdealer
and engine protection. hasGM-trainedservicepeoplewhowillperformthiswork
using genuine GMpartsandresetthesystem.Itisalso
important to check your oil regularly and keep it at the
proper level.
If the system is ever reset accidentally, you must
change your oil at 3,000 miles (5 000 km) since your
last oil change. Remember to reset the oil life system
whenever the oil is changed.
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year of production from: 2000
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