owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
Alcohol lock* Bypass of the alcohol lock* Before starting the engine with the
The function of the alcohol lock is to prevent theIn the event of an emergency situation or thealcohol lock
car from being driven by individuals under thealcohol lock is out of order, it is possible toThe alcohol lock is activated automatically and is
influence of alcohol. Before the engine can bebypass the alcohol lock in order to drive the car.then ready for use when the car is opened.
started the driver must take a breath test thatFor deactivation via the alcohol lock, see the sep-To bear in mind
verifies that he/she is not under the influence ofarate instructions for that specific lock.
alcohol. Alcohol lock calibration takes place in In order to obtain correct function and as accu-
accordance with each markets limit value inActivating the bypass function (Bypass)rate a measurement result as possible:
force for driving legally. Avoid eating or drinking approx. 5 minutes
The car has an interface for the electrical con-NOTE before the breath test.
Avoid excess windscreen washing - the alco-
nection of the different makes and models ofAll bypass activation is logged and saved in•
alcohol lock recommended by Volvo. The inter-the memory in the alcohol locks control unit.hol in the washer fluid may result in an incor-
face facilitates alcohol lock connection, and givesIt is not possible to undo a bypass.rect measurement result.
the option of an integrated function including
messages related to the alcohol lock in the carsThe message, Blow into alcolock BypassNOTE
main display. For information about a specificinstead?, is shown in the screen:After a completed period of driving, the
alcohol lock, please refer to its owners manual. engine can be restarted within 30 minutes
– Select Bypass by pressing once on the Owithout a new breath test.
WARNING button on the steering wheels right-hand
The alcohol lock is an aid and does notkeypad. Related information
exempt the driver from responsibility. It is> The alcohol lock is now bypassed and theBypass of the alcohol lock* (p. 402)
always the responsibility of the driver to becar can be started. •
Starting the car (p. 404)
sober and to drive the car safely. The number of bypasses possible before service•
is required is selected during alcohol lock instal-
Related information
Before starting the engine with the alcohol
lock (p. 402)
Starting the car (p. 404)
402 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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