owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2009 - 2014:
11-32 Maintenance and service
WARNING mately one minute. This indicatesapproach the curbs as squarely as
the TPMS is unable to monitor allpossible. Also, make sure the tires are
If the low tire pressure warning lightfour road wheels. Contact your notpressedagainstthecurbwhenyou
does not illuminate briefly after theSUBARUdealerassoonaspossiblepark the vehicle.
ignition switch is turned ON or thefor tire and sensor replacement and/. If you feel unusual vibration while
light illuminates steadily after blink-or system resetting. If the light driving or find it difficult to steer the
ing for approximately one minute,illuminates steadily after blinkingvehicle in a straight line, one of the
you should have your Tire Pressurefor approximately one minute, tires and/or wheels may be damaged.
Monitoring System checked at apromptly contact a SUBARU dealerDrive slowly to the nearest authorized
SUBARU dealer as soon as possi-to have the system inspected.SUBARU dealer and have the vehicle
ble. inspected.
If this light illuminates while driving,&Tire inspection
never brake suddenly and keep &Tire pressures and wear
driving straight ahead while gradu-Check on a daily basis that the tires areMaintaining the correct tire pressures
ally reducing speed. Then slowlyfree from serious damage, nails, andhelps to maximize the tires’ service lives
pull off the road to a safe place.stones. At the same time, check the tiresand is essential for good running perfor-
Otherwise an accident involving for abnormal wear. mance. Check and, if necessary, adjust
serious vehicle damage and seriousContact your SUBARU dealer immedi-the pressure of each tire (including the
personal injury could occur.ately if you find any problem.spare) at least once a month (for example,
Ifthis light still illuminates whileNOTE during a fuel stop) and before any long
driving after adjusting the tire pres- journey.
sure, a tire may have significant. When the wheels and tires strike
damage and a fast leak that causescurbs or are subjected to harsh treat-
thetire to lose air rapidly. If you havementaswhenthevehicleisdrivenona
a flat tire, replace it with a spare tirerough surface, they can suffer damage
as soon as possible. that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
When a spare tire is mounted or aThis type of damage does not become
wheel rim is replaced without theevident until time has passed. Try not
original pressure sensor/transmitterto drive over curbs, potholes or on
being transferred, the low tire pres-other rough surfaces. If doing so is
sure warning light will illuminateunavoidable, keep the vehicle’s speed
steadily after blinking for approxi-down to a walking pace or less, and
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year of production from: 2009
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Subaru Outback Legacy IV 4 owners manual
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