owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
What to do in an emergency
2.When the vehicle is stopped, turn
If the engine stalls at a cross- If the engine stalls while driv-
on your emergency hazard flash-
road or crossing ing
ers, set the parking brake and put
If the engine stalls at a crossroad or 1. Reduce your speed gradually,
the transaxle in P.
crossing, set the shift lever in the N keeping a straight line. Move cau-
3. Have all passengers get out of the
(Neutral) position and then push the tiously off the road to a safe place.
vehicle to a safe place.vehicle. Be sure they all get out on2.Turn on your emergency flashers.
the side of the vehicle that is away3.Try to start the engine again. If
If you have a flat tire whilefrom traffic. your vehicle will not start, contact
4.When changing a flat tire, follow
driving an authorized Kia dealer or seek
the instruction provided later in
this section. other qualified assistance.
If a tire goes flat while you are driv-
1.Take your foot off the accelerator ✽✽ NOTICE
pedal and let the vehicle slow If there was a check engine light and
down while driving straight ahead. loss of power or stall and if safe to do
Do not apply the brakes immedi- so, wait at least 10 seconds to restart
ately or attempt to pull off the road the vehicle after it stalls. This may
as this may cause a loss of con- reset the car so it will no longer run
trol. When the vehicle has slowed at low power (limp home) condition.
to such a speed that it is safe to do
so, brake carefully and pull off the
road. Drive off the road as far as
possible and park on firm level
ground. If you are on a divided
highway, do not park in the median
area between the two traffic lanes.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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