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owners manual KIA Rio

owners manual KIA Rio - year of production: 2011 - KIA Rio Pride UB manuel du proprietaire FR

Document: pdf (7.83 MB) 402 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Rio, year of production 2011:
Index Système antipollution····················································7-69T Système de contrôle des émissions de vapeurs de carburant (incluant la RVRC)································7-69Tableau de bord································································2-3 Système de contrôle des gaz de carter······················7-69 Télédéverrouillage···························································4-8 Système de contrôle des gaz d'échappement············7-70Témoins et indicateurs d'alerte······································4-54 Système d’ancrage à longeron·······································3-28Toit ouvrant····································································4-32 Système d’ancrage inférieur··········································3-29Totalisateur partiel ·························································4-47 Système de climatisation à commande manuelle····································································4-83U Chauffage et climatisation·········································4-84 Climatiseur································································4-88Urgence sur la route·························································6-2 Fitre à air de la climatisation·····································4-90 Système de contrôle des émissions de vapeurs deUtilisation du manuel·······················································1-2 carburant (incluant la RVRC)····································7-69Utilisation économique··················································5-44 Système de contrôle des gaz de carter···························7-69 V Système de contrôle des gaz d'échappement·················7-70 Système de freinage·······················································5-22Vérification de la pression de gonflage·························7-40 Commande d'aide au démarrage en pente (HAC)····5-30Vérin et outils································································6-13 Contrôle électronique de stabilité (ESC)··················5-27Volant·············································································4-36 Frein de stationnement··············································5-23Avertisseur sonore·····················································4-38 Freins assistés····························································5-22Servodirection électronique·······································4-36 Gestion de la stabilité du véhicule (VSM)················5-31 Volant chauffant ························································4-37 Système de freinage antiblocage (ABS)···················5-25Volet du réservoir de carburant······································4-29 I 8
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year of production from: 2011

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KIA Rio Pride UB manuel du proprietaire
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