owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Wheelandtirecombinations 399
Loweringthevehicle Wheelandtirecombinations
GWARNING General notes
and bolts are not tightened to the specifiedommendsthatyouonlyusetiresand
tightening torque. There is a risk of accident.wheels which have been approved by
Havethetightening torque immediatelyMercedes-Benz specifically for your vehi-
checked at a qualified specialist workshopcle.
after a wheel is changed. Thesetireshavebeenspeciallyadaptedfor
use with the control systems, such as ABS
or ESP , and are marked as follows:
(tires featuring run-flat characteristics)
tain AMG tires)
Mercedes-Benz Original Extended tires
specifically approved by Mercedes-Benz.
XTurnthecrankofthejackcounter-clock- Only use tires, wheels or accessories tes-tires
wiseuntilthevehicleisonceagainstandingted and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Cer-
firmly on the ground. tain characteristics, e.g. handling, vehicleand
XPlacethejacktooneside. noise emissions or fuel consumption, may
XTighten the wheel bolts evenly in a cross-otherwise be adversely affected. In addi-
wisepatterninthesequenceindicated(: tion, when driving with a load, tire dimen-
to A). The specified tightening torque ission variations could cause the tires toWheels
96lb-ft(130 Nm). comeintocontact with the bodywork and
axle components.Thiscouldresultindam-
XTurnthejackbacktoitsinitial position.age to the tires or the vehicle.
XStowthejackandtherestofthetire- Mercedes-Benz accepts no liability for
change tool kit in the cargo compartmentdamageresulting from the use of tires,
again. wheelsoraccessoriesotherthanthosetes-
XCheckthetirepressureofthenewlymoun- ted and approved.
ted wheel and adjust it if necessary.Information on tires, wheels and approved
Observe the recommended tire pressurecombinations can be obtained from any
(Y page 377). qualified specialist workshop.
Whenyouaredriving with the emergency!Retreadedtiresareneithertestednorrec-
itor cannot function reliably. Only restart thevious damage cannot always be detected
tire pressure monitor when the defectiveonretreaded tires. As a result, Mercedes-
wheel has been replaced with a new wheel.Benz cannot guarantee vehicle safety if
All mounted wheels must be equipped withretreadedtiresaremounted.Donotmount
functioningsensorsforthetirepressuremon-usedtiresif you have no information about
itor. their previous usage.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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