owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
Front seats—
Seats —Front seat precautions
While the vehicle is being driven, all ve- Driver seat Slightly recline the back of the
hicle occupants should have the seatback seat. Although vehicle designs vary,
upright, sit well back in the seat and prop-CAUTION many drivers can achieve the 250
erly wear the seat belts provided. mm (10 in.) distance, even with the
The SRS driver airbag deploys with driver seat all the way forward, sim-
CAUTION considerable force, and can causeply by reclining the back of the
death or serious injury especially ifseat somewhat. If reclining the back
Do not drive the vehicle unless the the driver is very close to the airbag.of your seat makes it hard to see
occupants are properly seated. Do
The National Highway Traffic Safetythe road, raise yourself by using a
not allow any passengers to sit onAdministration (“NHTSA”) advises:firm, non-slippery cushion, or raise
top of a folded-down seatback, orSince the risk zone for driver airbag the seat if your vehicle has that
in the luggage compartment or car-is the first 50—75 mm (2—3 in.) offeature.
go area. Persons not properly inflation, placing yourself 250 mm (10
seated and/or not properly re-in.) from your driver airbag providesIf your steering wheel is adjustable,
strained by seat belts can be se- tilt it downward. This points the air-
you with a clear margin of safety.
verely injured in the event of emer-This distance is measured from thebag toward your chest instead of
gency braking or a collision. center of the steering wheel to youryour head and neck.
During driving, do not allow braneasty bone. If you sit less than 250The seat should be adjusted as rec-
passengers to stand up or move mm (10 in.) away now, you can ommended by NHTSA above, while
around between seats. Otherwise,change your driving position in sever-still maintaining control of the foot
severe injuries can occur in theal ways: pedals, steering wheel, and your view
event of emergency braking or aMove your seat to the rear as farof the instrument panel controls.
collision. as you can while still reaching the
pedals comfortably.
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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