owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
● The LATCH system anchors are de-The LATCH system anchors are located at1. To install the LATCH system compatible
signedtowithstandonlythoseloadsthe rear of the seat cushion near the seat-child restraint, insert the child restraint
imposed by correctly fitted child re-back. A label is attached to the seat back toLATCH system anchor attachments into
straints. Under no circumstance arehelpyoulocatetheLATCHsystemanchors.the anchor points on the rear seat. If the
theytobeusedforadultseatbeltsorSome child restraints may also require thechild restraint is equipped with a top
harnesses. use of a top tether strap. See ‘‘Top Tethertether, see ‘‘Top Tether Strap Child Re-
Strap Child Restraint’’ later in this sectionstraint’’ later in this section for installation
Some child restraints include two rigid orfor installation instructions.instructions.
webbing-mounted attachments that can beWhen installing a child restraint, carefully2. After attaching the child restraint and
connected to two anchors located at certainread and follow the instructions in thisbefore placing the child in it, use force to
seating positions in your vehicle. This sys-manual and those supplied with the childtilt the child restraint from side to side and
tem is known as the LATCH (Lower An-restraint.tug it forward to make sure that the child
chors and Tether for Children) system. ThisWhenyouinstall a LATCH system compat-restraint is securely held in place.
system may also be referred to as theible child restraint to the lower anchor at-3. Check to make sure that the child re-
ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system. Withtachments in the rear seat, follow thesestraint is properly secured prior to each
this system, you do not have to use asteps:use.
vehicle seat belt to secure the child re-WARNING
straint. Your vehicle is equipped with spe-
cial anchor points that are used with LATCHInspect the lower anchors by inserting
system compatible child restraints. Checkyour fingers into the lower anchor area
yourchildrestraintforalabelstatingthatitisand feeling to make sure there are no
compatible with the LATCH system. Thisobstructions over the LATCH system
information mayalsobeinthechildrestraintanchors, such as seat belt webbing or
owner’s manual. If you have such a childseat cushion material. The child re-
restraint, refer to the illustration for the rearstraint will not be secured properly if
seating positions equipped with LATCHthe LATCH system anchors are ob-
system anchors which can be used to se-structed.
cure the child restraint.
Seats, restraints and supplemental air bag systems1-33

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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