owners manual BMW 5 E39
owners manual BMW 5 E39 - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - BMW 5 E39 owners manual EN
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 5 E39, year of production 1996 - 2003:
Notes on the Owner's Manual Symbols used The individual vehicle
We have made every effort to ensure Indicates instructions or precau- On buying your BMW, you have de-
that you are able to find what you need tions that must be followed pre- cided in favor of a model with individu-
in this Owner's Manual as quickly as cisely in order to avoid the possibility of alized equipment and features. This
possible. The fastest way to find certain personal injury and serious damage to Owner's Manual describes all models
topics is by using the detailed index at the vehicle.< and equipment that BMW offers within
the end. If you desire an initial overview the same group.
of your vehicle, this can be found in the Contains information that will as-We hope you will understand that
first chapter. The detailed table of con- sist you in gaining the optimum equipment and features are included
tents that directly follows the summary benefit from your vehicle and enable which you might not have chosen for
of contents is intended to stimulate you to care more effectively for your your vehicle. Any differences can easily
your curiosity regarding your BMW and vehicle.< be identified, since all optional acces-
to encourage you to read the manual. sories and special equipment are
Should you wish to sell your BMW at Refers to measures that can marked with an asterisk *.
some time in the future, please remem- be taken to help protect the If your BMW features equipment which
ber to hand over the Owner's Manual to environment.< is not described in this Owner's Manual
the new owner; it is part of the vehicle.< Marks the end of a specific item of (car radio, for instance), Supplementary
If you have any additional questions, an information. Owner's Manuals are enclosed. We ask
authorized BMW center will be glad to you to read these manuals as well.
advise you. * Indicates special equipment, coun-
try-specific equipment and optional
t Indicates index entries that refer to
© 2000 BMW AG owner service and maintenance proce-
Munich, Germany dures
Reprinting, including excerpts, only with the
written consent of BMW AG, Munich. Identifies systems or components,
Order No. 01410155420 which your BMW center can either
US English I/2001 activate or adapt to suit an individual
Printed in Germany
Printed on environmentally friendly paper driver's requirements ("Car Memory",
(bleached without chlorine, suitable for recycling)."Key Memory"). Refer to page 60.<
Online Edition for Part No. 01 41 0 155 420 - © 01/01 BMW Group

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year of production from: 1996

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BMW 5 E39 owners manual
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