owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee
owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Grand Cherokee, year of production 1998 - 2004:
INTRODUCTION handles on different road surfaces. Your driving skills
Thank you for selecting a Jeept Grand Cherokee andwill improve with experience. When driving off-road or
welcome to our worldwide family. working the vehicle, don’t overload it or expect it to
This is a specialized utility vehicle designed for bothovercome the laws of nature. Always observe federal,
on-road and off-road use. It can go places and performstate, provincial, and local laws wherever you drive.
tasks for which conventional two-wheel drive vehiclesAswithothervehicles of this type, failure to operate this
were not intended. However, on-road ride and handlingvehicle correctly may result in loss of control or an
will have a different feel from what drivers experienceaccident. Be sure to read “On-Road/Off-Road Driving
with other vehicles, so take time to become familiar withTips” in Section 5 of this manual.
your vehicle. Roll Over Warning
The two-wheel drive utility vehicle was designed forUtility vehicles have a significantly higher roll over rate
on-road use only. It is not intended for off-road drivingthan other types of vehicles. This vehicle has a higher
or use in other severe conditions suited to a four-wheelground clearance, higher center of gravity, and narrower
drive vehicle. track than many passenger cars. It is capable of perform-
Beforeyoustarttodrivethisvehicle,readthismanual.Being better in a wide variety of off-road applications.
sure you are familiar with all vehicle controls, particu-Driven in an unsafe manner, all vehicles can be caused to
larly those used for braking, steering and transmissiongo out of control. Because of the higher center of gravity
and transfer case shifting. Learn how your vehicle

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year of production from: 1998

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Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ manual
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