owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback
owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback, year of production 2007 - 2016:
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Driving safety
Fuel economy Driving, alcohol and drugs
N00628800107 N00628900052
Fuel economy is dependent on many factors. Your persDruonnk aldriving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents.
driving habits can have a significant effect on your fuel use.Your driving ability can be seriously impaired even with blood
Several recommendations for achieving the greatest fuel econ- alcohol levels far below the legal minimum. If you have been
omy are listed below. drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non-drinking
●Whenever accelerating from a stop, always accelerdrateiver, call a cab or a friend, or use public transportation.
slowly and smoothly. Drinking coffee or taking a cold shower will not make you
●When parked for even a short period, do not idle thsoeber.
engine. Shut it off. Similarly, prescription and nonprescription drugs affect your
●Plan your trips to avoid unnecessary stops. alertness, perception and reaction time. Consult with your doc-
●Keep your tires inflated to the recommended pressures. tor or pharmacist before driving while under the influence of
●For freeway driving, maintain a speed of approximatelyany of these medications.
50 mph (80 km/h) when traffic, roadway and weather con-
ditions safely permit. ! WARNING
●Keep your air filter clean and your vehicle lubricated
4 according to the recommendations in this manual. ●NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE.
●Always keep your vehicle well maintained. A poorly Your perceptions are less accurate, your reflexes are
maintained engine wastes fuel and costs money. slower and your judgment is impaired.
●Do not overload your vehicle.
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year of production from: 2007
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Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual
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