owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
8-6 Driving tips/On–road and off–road driving
conditions than a two wheel drive vehicle.On-road and off-road drivingof gravity, is more likely to be
There is little difference in handling, affected by crosswinds than or-
however, during extremely sharp turns or dinary passenger cars.
sudden braking. Therefore, when drivingWARNING . Always use the utmost care in
down a slope or turning corners, be sure driving – overconfidence be-
to reduce your speed and maintain an. In a rollover crash, an unbeltedcause you are driving an All-
ample distance from other vehicles.person is significantly moreWheel Drive model could easily
. Always check the cold tire pressurelikely to die than a person wear-lead to a serious accident.
before starting to drive. The recom-ing a seatbelt. You the driver and
mended tire pressure is provided on theall your passengers should fas-Your vehicle is classified as a utility
tire placard, which is located under theten the seatbelts before startingvehicle. Utility vehicles feature a higher
door latch on the driver’s side.to drive in order to minimize theground clearance which enables them to
. Frequent driving of an AWD vehiclechanceofseriousinjuryordeath.beusedforwideapplicationsincludingoff-
under hard-driving conditions such as. Do not make sharp turns androad driving. But please keep in mind that
steep hills or dusty roads will necessitatequick maneuvers unless abso-your vehicle is neither a conventional off-
more frequent replacement of the follow-lutely unavoidable. Such actionsroad vehicle nor an all-terrain vehicle. A
ing items than that specified in theare dangerous as you may losehigher center of gravity in relation to the
“Warranty and Maintenance Booklet”.control, possibly resulting in atread width as compared with ordinary
– Engine oil rollover which could cause deathpassenger cars makes vehicles of this
– Brake fluid or serious injury. type more likely to roll over. In reality, utility
– Rear differential gear oil. Always maintain a safe drivingvehicles have a significantly higher roll-
– Manual transmission oil (MT mod-speed according to the road andover rate than other types of vehicles. The
els) weather conditions in order tohigh ground clearance of this vehicle is a
– Continuously variable transmissionavoid having an accident on areal advantage, giving you a better view of
fluid (CVT models) sharp turn, during sudden brak-the road and allowing you to anticipate
– Front differential gear oil (CVTing or under other similar condi-problems earlier. However, remember that
models) tions. your utility vehicle is not designed for high-
. There are some precautions that you. Whenever strong crosswinds arespeed cornering comparable to ordinary
must observe when towing your vehicle.present, slow down sufficientlypassenger cars and that your vehicle
For detailed information, refer to “Towing”to maintain control of your vehi-could roll over if you make a sharp turn
F9-13. cle. Remember that your vehicle,at high speed.
with its higher profile and centerIf you take your SUBARU off-road, certain

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year of production from: 2012

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