owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
Driving your vehicle
Starting the engine i Information NOTICE
To prevent damage to the vehicle:
WARNING • It is best to maintain a moderate
engine speed until the vehicle engine• Do not hold the ignition key in
comes up to normal operating tem-
Always wear appropriate shoes the START position for more
perature. Avoid harsh or abrupt
when operating your vehicle.acceleration or deceleration whilethan 10 seconds. Wait 5 to 10
Unsuitable shoes, such as highthe engine is still cold.seconds before trying again.
heels, ski boots, sandals, flip- • Whetherthe engine is cold orwarm,• Do not push or tow your vehicle
flops, etc., may interfere with to start the engine.
your ability to use the brake andalways start the vehicle with your
accelerator pedals. foot on the brake pedal. Do not
depress the accelerator while start-
ing the vehicle. Do not race the
engine while warming it up.
1. Make sure the parking brake is
2. Make sure the shift lever is in P
3. Depress the brake pedal.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the
START position. Hold the key
(maximum of 10 seconds) until the
engine starts and release it.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
pages 389 - 395
Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
page 392 / 642
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