owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-50 Starting and operating/Cruise control
from the current gear position indica-do not shift the lever into the “N”&Toturnoff the cruise control
tion to the “D” indication.position while driving except in caseThere are two ways to turn off the cruise
&Totemporarily cancel the of emergency. If the select lever iscontrol:
shifted into the “N” position, the. Press the cruise control main button
cruise control engine brake will no longer work.again.
The cruise control can be temporarilyThis could result in an accident Turn the ignition switch to the “ACC” or
canceled in the following ways. “LOCK”/“OFF” position (but only when the
The cruise control set indicator light in the
combination meter turns off when thevehicle is completely stopped).
cruise control is canceled.&Tochangethecruisingspeed
! Toincreasethespeed(bythe“RES/
SET” switch)
. Press the “CANCEL” button.
. Press the X-mode switch to activate
the X-mode (models with X-mode).
. Depress the brake pedal.To resume the cruise control after it has
been temporarily canceled and with vehi-
. Depress the clutch pedal (MT modelscle speed of approximately 20 mph (32
only). km/h) or more, press the“RES/SET”
switch to the “RES” side to return to thePress the “RES/SET” switch to the “RES”
WARNING original cruising speed automatically.side and hold it until the vehicle reaches
The cruise control set indicator light in thethe desired speed. Then, release the
For CVT models, you can cancel the switch. The vehicle speed at that moment
cruise control by shifting the selectcombination meter will automatically illu-will be memorized and treated as the new
lever into the “N” position. However,minate at this time.set speed.

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year of production from: 2012

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