owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
388 All about wheels and tires
Example: Thesafespeedonawet,snowcoveredoricy
RTreadweargrade:200 road is always lower than on dry road surfa-
RTraction grade: AA Youshouldpayspecialattentiontoroadcon-
RTemperaturegrade:A ditions when temperatures are around freez-
All passenger car tires must conform to theing point.
statutory safety requirements in addition toMercedes-Benz recommends a minimum
these grades. tread depth of ã in (4 mm) on all four winter
iTheactualvaluesfortires are vehicle-tires. Observe the legally required minimum
specific andmaydeviatefromthevaluesintiretreaddepth(
the illustration. reducethebrakingdistanceonsnow-covered
surfaces in comparison with summer tires.
Treadwear Thebrakingdistanceisstillmuchfurtherthan
The treadwear grade is a comparative ratingonsurfaces that are not icy or covered with
ate ca
basedonthewearrateofthetirewhentestedsnow. Take approprire when driving.
under controlled conditions on a specifiedFurther information on winter tires (M+S
tires) (
U.S. government course. For example, a tireYpage376).
s graded 150 would wear one and one-halfTemperature
tia tire graded 100. GWARNING
d The relative performance of tires dependsThe temperature grade for this tire is estab-
anupontheactual conditions of their use, how-lished for a tire that is properly inflated and
s ever, and may depart significantly from thenot overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla-
l normduetovariations in driving habits, ser-tion,orexcessiveloading,eitherseparatelyor
vice practices and differences in road char-in combination, can cause excessive heat
Wheeacteristics and climate. build-up and possible tire failure.
Traction ThetemperaturegradesareA(thehighest),B,
GWARNING and C, representing the tire's resistance to
the generation of heat and its ability to dissi-
The traction grade assigned to this tire ispate heat when tested under controlled con-
based on straight-ahead braking tractionditions on a specified indoor laboratory test
tests, and does not include acceleration, cor-wheel.Sustainedhightemperaturecancause
nering, hydroplaning, or peak traction char-the material of the tire to degenerate and
acteristics. reduce tire life, and excessive temperature
Avoidwheelspin.Thiscanleadtodamagecan lead to sudden tire failure. The grade C
! corresponds to a level of performance which
to the drive train. all passenger car tires must meet under the
Thetractiongrades–fromhighesttolowest–Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.
are AA, A, B and C. Those grades represent109. Grades B and A represent higher levels
the tire's ability to stop on wet pavement asof performance on the laboratory test wheel
measured under controlled conditions onthan the minimum required by law.
traction performance.

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year of production from: 2015

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