owners manual Hyundai Ioniq
owners manual Hyundai Ioniq - year of production: 2016 - Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
The warning light illumi- Normal:
nates on the LCD display, When this condition is selected, the
when you cancel the AEB initial Forward Collision Warning is
system. The driver can activated normally. This setting
monitor the AEB ON/OFF status on allows for a nominal amount of dis-
the LCD display. Also, the warning tance between the vehicle or
light illuminates when the ESC
pedestrian ahead before the initial
(Electronic Stability Control) is
warning occurs.
turned off (Traction & Stability control Late:
disabled.) If the warning light
remains ON when the AEB is acti- When this condition is selected, the
vated, we recommend you to have initial Forward Collision Warning is
the system checked by an authorized OAE056023L activated later than normal. This
HYUNDAI dealer. The driver can select the initial warn-setting reduces the amount of dis-
ing activation time on the LCD display.tance between the vehicle or
pedestrian ahead before the initial
Go to the 'User Settings → Driving
Assist → Forward Collision Warningwarning occurs. Dri
→Late/Normal/Early'. ving y
The options for the initial Forward our v
Collision Warning includes the fol-
lowing: ehicle
When this condition is selected, the
initial Forward Collision Warning is
activated earlier than normal. This
setting maximizes the amount of
distance between the vehicle or
pedestrian ahead before the initial
warning occurs.

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year of production from: 2016

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Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
pages 385 - 391
Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
page 388 / 582
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