owners manual Toyota RAV4
owners manual Toyota RAV4 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Toyota RAV4 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota RAV4, year of production 2005 - 2012:
’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
Exhaust system Seats Parking brake
If you notice any change in the sound of Check that all seat controls such as seat Check that the lever has the proper travel
the exhaust or smell exhaust fumes, have adjusters, seatback recliner, etc. operateand that, on a safe incline, your vehicle
the cause located and corrected immedsi-moothly and that all latches lock securely is held securely with only the parking
ately. (See “Engine exhaust cautions” on in any position. For folding−down rearbrake applied.
page 311 in Section 2.) seatbacks, check that the latches lock se- Automatic transmission “Park” mecha-
Items listed below should be checked Seat belts On a safe incline, check that your vehicle
regularly, e.g. while performing periodicCheck that the seat belt system such asis held securely with the selector lever in
services, cleaning the vehicle, etc.buckles, retractors and anchors operate“P” position and all brakes released.
Lights properly and smoothly. Make sure the beltOUTSIDE THE VEHICLE
Make sure the headlights, stop lights, tail webbing is not cut, frayed, worn or dam-Items listed below should be performed
lights, turn signal lights, and other lights aged. from time to time, unless otherwise
are all working. Accelerator pedal specified.
Service reminder indicators and warningCheck the pedal for smooth operation andFluid leaks
buzzers uneven pedal effort or catching.Check underneath for leaking fuel, oil, wa-
Check that all service reminder indicatorsBrake pedal ter or other fluid after the vehicle has
and warning buzzers function properly.Check the pedal for smooth operation andbeen parked for a while. If you smell fuel
Steering wheel that the pedal has the proper clearance. fumes or notice any leak, have the cause
Check that it has the specified free play.Check the brake booster function.found and corrected immediately.
Be alert for changes in steering condition,Brakes Doors and engine hood
such as hard steering or strange noise.In a safe place, check that the brakes doCheck that all doors and back door oper-
not pull to one side when applied.ate smoothly and all latches lock securely.
Make sure the engine hood secondary
latch secures the hood from opening when
the primary latch is released.
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
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year of production from: 2005
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