owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
NOTE: • Seasonal temperature changes will affect tire pressure,
• The TPMS is not intended to replace normal tire careand the TPMS will monitor the actual tire pressure in
andmaintenanceortoprovidewarningofatirefailurethe tire.
or condition. Base System
• TheTPMSshouldnotbeusedasatirepressuregauge This is the TPMS warning indicator located in the
while adjusting your tire pressure. instrument cluster.
• Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causesThe TPMS uses wireless technology with wheel rim
the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure.mounted electronic sensors to monitor tire pressure lev-
Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tireels. Sensors, mounted to each wheel as part of the valve
tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s handling andstem, transmit tire pressure readings to the Receiver
stopping ability. Module.
• The TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire mainte-NOTE: It is particularly important for you to check the
nance, and it is the driver’s responsibility to maintaintire pressure in all of the tires on your vehicle regularly
correct tire pressure using an accurate tire gauge, evenand to maintain the proper pressure.
if under-inflation has not reached the level to triggerThe TPMS consists of the following components:
illumination of the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale
Light. • Receiver Module

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
pages 381 - 387
Jeep Patriot owners manual
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