owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 2005 - Nissan Pathfinder III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 2005:
WARNING WARNING 3. Get out of the vehicle. Look and listen for
steamorcoolant escaping from the radiator
Do not push start this vehicle. The three-● Donotcontinue to drive if your vehiclebefore opening the hood. (If steam or cool-
waycatalyst may be damaged. overheats.Doingsocouldcauseengineant is escaping, turn off the engine.) Do not
damageoravehiclefire. open the hood further until no steam or
CAUTION ● To avoid the danger of being scalded,coolant can be seen.
Automatic transmission models cannotnever remove the radiator or coolant4. Openthe engine hood.
be push-started or tow-started. Attempt-reservoir cap while the engine is still
ing to do so may cause transmissionhot. Whentheradiatororcoolantreser-WARNING
damage. voir cap is removed, pressurized hotIf steam or water is coming from the en-
water will spurt out, possibly causinggine, stand clear to prevent getting
serious injury. burned.
● Do not open the hood if steam is com-
ing out. 5. Visually check drive belts for damage or
looseness. Also check if the cooling fan is
If your vehicle is overheating (indicated by anrunning. The radiator hoses and radiator
extremely high temperature gauge reading andshould not leak water. If coolant is leaking,
the illumination of the engine oil pressure/enginethe water pump belt is missing or loose, or
coolanttemperaturehighindicatorlight),orifyouthe cooling fan does not run, stop the en-
feel a lack of engine power, detect abnormalgine.
noise, etc. take the following steps.
1. Move the vehicle safely off the road, applyWARNING
theparkingbrakeandmovetheshiftselectorBe careful not to allow your hands, hair,
to P (Park). jewelry or clothing to come into contact
Donotstoptheengine. with, or get caught in, engine belts or the
engine cooling fan. The engine cooling
2. Turn off the air conditioner. Open all thefan can start at any time.
windows, move the heater or air conditioner
control to high speed.
6-10 Incaseofemergency
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year of production from: 2005
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Nissan Pathfinder III 3 owners manual
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Nissan Pathfinder III 3 owners manual
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