owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
The essentials
Enabling the main menu Making changes according to the menu
Menu Function
●Switch the ignition on. ●Make the desired changes with the rocker
Station display on the radio.
switch on the windscreen wiper lever or the
●If a message or vehicle pictogram appears,
Track name on the CD.
thumbwheel of the multifunction steering
press button ››› Fig. 44 1 on the windscreen Audio Track name in Media mode ››› Book-
wheel. To increase or decrease the values
let Radio or ››› Booklet Navigation sys-
iper l
w ever or button on the multifunction
more quickly, turn the thumbwheel faster. tem.
steering wheel ››› Fig. 45.
●Mark or confirm the selection with button
●If managed from the windscreen wiper lev- Information and possible configura-
››› Fig. 44 1 on the windscreen wiper lever
tions of the mobile phone preinstalla-
er: to display the main screen ››› page 36 or
or button on the multifunction steeringtion ››› Booklet Radio or ››› Book-
to return to the main menu from another
let Navigation system.
wheel ›› Fig. 45.
menu hold down the rocker button ››› Fig. 44
2 .
Display of the current warning or infor-
Vehicle mation texts and other system compo-
●If managed from the multifunction steering
status nents, depending on the equipment
Selection menu
wheel: the main menu list is not displayed.
››› page 118.
To go from point to point in the main menu,
Menu Function
press button or several times
››› Fig. 45.
Information and possible configura-
Driving Journey data
tions of the multifunction display
Select a submenu
(MFD) ››› page 36, ››› page 118.
The MFD (multifunction display) shows differ-
●Press the rocker switch ››› Fig. 44 2 on the
Information and possible configura-ent values for the journey and the consump-
windscreen wiper lever up or down or turn
tions of the driver assistance systemstion.
the thumbwheel of the multifunction steering››› page 38.
wheel ››› Fig. 45 until the desired option ap-
Changing between display modes on the
Information instructions from the acti-
pears marked on the menu.
vated navigation system: when a route
●The selected option will be displayed with aguidance is activated, the turning ar-
●In vehicles without multifunction steering
rows and proximity bars are displayed.
horizontal line underneath.
wheel: Press the rocker switch on the
The appearance is similar to the Easy
●To consult the submenu option, press but-
windscreen wiper lever ››› Fig. 44.
Navigation*Connect system.
ton ››› Fig. 44 1 on the windscreen wiper
If route guidance is not activated, the
●Vehicles with a multifunction steering
ev utton direction of travel (compass) and the
l er or b on the multifunction steer-
wheel: turn the thumbwheel ››› Fig. 45.
name of the street along which you are
ing wheel ››› Fig. 45.
driving are shown ››› Booklet Naviga-
tion system.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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