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owners manual Mercedes GLE

owners manual Mercedes GLE - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLE Class manuel du proprietaire FR

Document: pdf (41.42 MB) 394 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLE, year of production 2015:
36 Introduction contractuelleaccordéeauxvéhiculesneufsbecompiledthroughCOMANDorthembrace ou d'occasion. system. For additional information please refer to the COMANDUserManualand/orthembrace CodesQRpourfichededésincarcéra- Terms and Conditions. tion DescodesQRsetrouventdanslatrappedu Event Data Recorders réservoir et de l'autre côté, sur le montant B. This vehicle is equipped with an event data Encasd'accident, les services de secours recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR peuvent rapidement déterminer la fiche de is to record,incertaincrashornearcrash-like désincarcération requise pour votre véhicule situations, such as an air bag deployment or à l'aide des codes QR. La fiche de désincar- hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in cération actuelle contient, sous une forme understanding how a vehicle’s systems per- compacte, les informations les plus impor- formed. The EDR is designed to record data tantes relatives à votre véhicule (le chemine- related to vehicle dynamics and safety sys- mentdescâblesélectriques, par exemple). tems for a short period of time, typically 30 Pour de plus amples informations, consultez seconds or less. notre site Internet https:// The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record portal.aftersales.i.daimler.com/public/ such data as: content/asportal/en/communication/ informationen_fuer/QRCode.html. RHowvarioussystemsinyourvehicle were operating; RWhetherornotthedriverandpassenger Donnéesmémoriséesdanslevéhi- safety belts were buckled/fastened; cule RHowfar(ifatall)thedriverwasdepressing the accelerator and/or brake pedal; and, DataRecording RHowfastthevehiclewastraveling. Thisvehicleiscapableofrecordingdiagnostic These data can help provide a better unders- information relating to vehicle operation, tanding of the circumstances in which cras- faults, and user settings. This may include hes and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data are information about the performance or status recorded by your vehicle only if a non-trivial of various systems, including but not limited crash situation occurs; no data are recorded to, engine, throttle, steering or brake sys- by the EDR under normal driving conditions tems, that is stored and can be read out with and no personal data (e.g., name, gender, suitable devices, particularly when the vehi- age, and crash location) are recorded. Howe- cle is serviced. The data obtained is used to ver, other parties, such as law enforcement properlydiagnoseandserviceyourvehicleor could combine the EDR data with the type of to further optimize and develop vehicle func- personally identifying data routinely acquired tions. during a crash investigation. Accesstothevehicleand/ortheEDRisnee- ded to read data that is recorded by an EDR, COMAND/mbrace andspecialequipmentisrequired.Inaddition If the vehicle is equipped with COMAND or to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties mbrace, additional data about the vehicle’s that have the special equipment, such as law operation, the use of the vehicle in certain enforcement, can read the information by situations,andthelocationofthevehiclemay accessing the vehicle or the EDR.
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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLE Class manuel du proprietaire
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