owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
This vehicle has new and unique surfaces on theCAUTION● Hanging-type air fresheners can cause per-
centerconsoleanddoorpullfinishers.Ifcleaning manentdiscoloration when they contact ve-
is required use mild soap and water. However if● Neverusebenzene,thinner,oranysimi-hicle interior surfaces. Place the air fresh-
mild soap and water won’t clean the center con-lar material on the interior surfaces orener in a location that allows it to hang free
sole and door pull finishers, use NISSAN Vinylsurface damage may occur. Such dam-and not contact an interior surface.
and Leather Cleaner (or equivalent).age is not covered under the NISSAN
warranty. ● Liquid-type air fresheners typically clip on
Occasionally remove loose dust from the interior● Smalldirtparticles can be abrasive andthe vents. These products can cause imme-
trim, plastic parts and seats using a vacuumdamaging to leather surfaces anddiatedamage and discoloration when
cleaner or soft bristled brush. Wipe the vinyl andshould be removed promptly. Do notspilled on interior surfaces.
leather surfaces with a clean, soft cloth damp-use saddle soap, car waxes, polishes,Carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s in-
enedinmildsoapsolution,thenwipecleanwithaoils, cleaning fluids, solvents, deter-structions before using the air fresheners.
dry, soft cloth. gents or ammonia-based cleaners as
Regular care and cleaning is required in order tothey may damage the leather’s naturalFLOORMATS(ifsoequipped)
maintain the appearance of the leather.finish. WARNING
Beforeusinganyfabricprotector,readthemanu-● Never use fabric protectors unless rec-To avoid potential pedal interference that
facturer’s recommendations. Some fabric pro-ommendedbythemanufacturer.mayresult in a collision, injury or death:
tectors contain chemicals that may stain or● Do not use glass or plastic cleaner on
bleach the seat material.meterorgaugelenscovers.Itmaydam-● NEVER place a floor mat on top of an-
Use a cloth dampened only with water to cleanagethelenscover.other floor mat in the driver front
the meter and gauge lens. position.
AIR FRESHENERS ● Use only Genuine NISSAN floor mats
WARNING Mostairfreshenersuseasolventthatcouldaffectspecifically designed for use in your ve-
Do not use water or acidic cleaners (hotthe vehicle interior. If you use an air freshener,hicle model.Foradditionalinformation,
steamcleaners)ontheseat.Thiscandam-take the following precautions:see a NISSAN dealer.
age the seat or Occupant Classification ● Properly position the mats in the floor-
Sensor (OCS). This can also affect the wellusingthefloormatpositioningaid.
operationoftheairbagsystemandresult Refer to Floor mat positioning aid in
in serious personal injury. this section.
7-4 Appearanceandcare

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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