owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
7-36 Starting and operating/Vehicle Dynamics Control system
Vehicle Dynamics Control namics Control is no guaranteeof the Vehicle Dynamics Con-
system that full vehicle control will betrol system is reduced and
maintained at all times and underthis should be taken into ac-
all conditions, its activation count when driving the vehi-
WARNING should be seen as a sign thatcle in such a condition.
the speed of the vehicle should. If non-matching tires are used,
Always use the utmost care inbe reduced considerably. the Vehicle Dynamics Control
driving – overconfidence because. Whenever suspension compo-system may not operate cor-
you are driving a vehicle with thenents, steering components, orrectly.
Vehicle Dynamics Control systeman axle are removed from a. The Vehicle Dynamics Control
could easily lead to a serious acci-vehicle, have an inspection ofsystem helps prevent unstable
dent. that system performed by anvehicle motion such as skidding
authorized SUBARU dealer. using control of the brakes and
CAUTION . Thefollowingprecautionsshouldengine power. Do not turn off the
be observed in order to ensureVehicle Dynamics Control sys-
. Even if your vehicle is equippedthat the Vehicle Dynamics Con-tem unless it is absolutely ne-
with Vehicle Dynamics Controltrol system is operating properly:cessary. If you must turn off the
system, winter tires should be– All four wheels should beVehicle Dynamics Control sys-
used when driving on snow-cov-fitted with tires of the sametem, drive very carefully accord-
ered or icy roads; in addition,size, type, and brand. Further-ing to the road surface condition.
vehicle speed should be reducedmore, the amount of wear
considerably. Simply having ashould be the same for allIn the event of wheelspin and/or skidding
Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-four tires. on a slippery road surface and/or during
tem does not guarantee that the– Keep the tire pressure at thecornering and/or an evasive maneuver,
vehicle will be able to avoidproper level as shown on thethe Vehicle Dynamics Control system
accidents in any situation. vehicle placard attached toadjusts the engine’s output and the
the driver’s side door pillar.wheels’ respective braking forces to help
. Activation of the Vehicle Dy- maintain traction and directional control.
namics Control system is an– Use only the specified tem-
indication that the road beingporary spare tire to replace a. Traction Control Function
travelled on has a slippery sur-flat tire. With a temporaryThetraction control function is designed to
face; since having Vehicle Dy-spare tire, the effectivenessprevent spinning of the driving wheels on

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year of production from: 2012

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Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual
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