owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
Since this tire has limited tread life the original equip-Full Size Spare – If Equipped
menttireshouldberepaired(orreplaced)andreinstalledThe full size spare is for temporary emergency use only.
on your vehicle at the first opportunity.This tire may look like the original equipped tire on the
Do not install a wheel cover or attempt to mount afront or rear axle of your vehicle, but it is not. This spare
conventional tire on the compact spare wheel, since thetire may have limited tread life. When the tread is worn
wheel is designed specifically for the compact spare tire.to the tread wear indicators, the temporary use full size
Do not install more than one compact spare tire andspare tire needs to be replaced. Since it is not the same as
wheel on the vehicle at any given time.your original equipment tire, replace (or repair) the
original equipment tire and reinstall on the vehicle at the
WARNING! first opportunity.
Compact spares are for temporary emergency useLimited-Use Spare – If Equipped
only. With these spares, do not drive more thanThe limited-use spare tire is for temporary emergency
50mph(80km/h).Temporaryusespareshavelimiteduse only. This tire is identified by a label located on the
tread life. When the tread is worn to the tread wearlimited-use spare wheel. This label contains the driving
indicators, the temporary use spare tire needs to belimitations for this spare. This tire may look like the
replaced. Be sure to follow the warnings, whichoriginal equipped tire on the front or rear axle of your
apply to your spare. Failure to do so could result invehicle, but it is not. Installation of this limited-use spare
spare tire failure and loss of vehicle control.tire affects vehicle handling. Since it is not the same as

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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