owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● Donotusethevehicletie-downstotowIf your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc.,
or free a stuck vehicle.use the following procedure:
● Only use devices specifically designed1. Turn off the Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
for vehicle recovery and follow theSystem.
manufacturer’s instructions.2. Make sure the area in front and behind the
● Alwayspulltherecoverydevicestraightvehicle is clear of obstructions.
out from the front of the vehicle. Never3. Turnthesteeringwheelrightandlefttoclear
pull at an angle. an area around the front tires.
● Route recovery devices so they do not4. Slowly rock the vehicle forward and back-
touch any part of the vehicle except theward.
attachment point.
● ShiftbackandforthbetweenR(Reverse)
If your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc.,and D (Drive) (CVT models) or 1st (Low)
useatowstraporotherdevicedesignedspecifi-and R (Reverse) (M/T models).
cally for vehicle recovery. Always follow the● Applytheaccelerator as little as possible
manufacturer’s instructions for the recovery de-to maintain the rocking motion.
Rocking a stuck vehicle ● Release the accelerator pedal before
shifting between R (Reverse) and D
(Drive) (CVT models) or 1st (Low) and R
WARNING (Reverse) (M/T models).
● Stand clear of a stuck vehicle.● Do not spin the tires above 35 mph
● Do not spin your tires at high speed.(55 km/h).
This could cause them to explode and5. If the vehicle cannot be freed after a few
result in serious injury. Parts of yourtries, contact a professional towing service
vehicle could also overheat and beto remove the vehicle.
6-14 Incaseofemergency

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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