owners manual Infiniti G37
owners manual Infiniti G37 - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Infiniti G V37 Coupe owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti G37, year of production 2008 - 2013:
Snow tires TIRE CHAINS Tire chains must be installed only on the rear
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary toUse of tire chains may be prohibited accordingwheelsandnotonthefrontwheels.
select tires equivalent in size and load rating toto location. Check the local laws before install-Never install tire chains on a TEMPORARY USE
theoriginal equipmenttires.Ifyoudonot,itcaning tire chains. When installing tire chains,ONLY spare tire.
adversely affect the safety and handling of yourmakesure they are the proper size for the tiresDonotusetirechainsondryroads.Drivingwith
vehicle. on your vehicle and are installed according totire chains in such conditions can cause dam-
Generally, snow tires will have lower speedthe chain manufacturer’s suggestions. Use onlyage to the various mechanisms of the vehicle
ratings than factory equipped tires and may notSAE Class S chains. Class “S” chains are useddue to some overstress.
match the potential maximum vehicle speed.on vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle clear-
Never exceed the maximum speed rating of theance.VehiclesthatcanuseClass“S”chainsare
tire. designed to meet the SAE standard minimum
clearances between the tire and the closest
If you install snow tires, they must be the samevehicle suspension or body component re-
size, brand, construction and tread pattern onquired to accommodate the use of a winter
all four wheels. traction device (tire chains or cables). The mini-
For additional traction on icy roads, studdedmumclearances are determined using the fac-
tires may be used. However, some U.S. statestory equipped tire size. Other types may dam-
and Canadian provinces prohibit their use.age your vehicle. Use chain tensioners when
Check local, state and provincial laws beforerecommendedbythetirechainmanufacturerto
installing studded tires. Skid and traction capa-ensure a tight fit. Loose end links of the tire
bilities of studded snow tires, on wet or drychain must be secured or removed to prevent
surfaces, may be poorer than that of non-the possibility of whipping action damage to
studded snow tires. the fenders or underbody. If possible, avoid
fully loading your vehicle when using tire
chains. In addition, drive at a reduced speed.
Otherwise, your vehicle may be damaged
and/or vehicle handling and performance may
be adversely affected.
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year of production from: 2008
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Infiniti G V37 Coupe owners manual
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Infiniti G V37 Coupe owners manual
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