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owners manual KIA Carens

owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - KIA Carens II 2 Handbuch DE

Document: pdf (35.45 MB) 372 pages
all ratings: 0 average rating: 5
text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2006 - 2013:
Stichwortverzeichnis I M Im Fall einer Reifenpanne (mit Ersatzrad) ···················· 6-8Manuelles Klima- und Belüftungssystem ··················· 4-74 Im Fall einer Reifenpanne (mit TireMobilityKit) ······· 6-20Motor anlassen ······························································· 5-6 Im Kombiinstrument angezeigte Symbole ···················· 1-6Motorhaube ·································································· 4-20 Innenausstattung ·························································· 4-97Motorkühlmittel ··························································· 7-20 Innenausstattung im Überblick ······································ 2-2Motornummer ································································ 8-3 Innenraumbeleuchtung ················································ 4-69Motoröl ········································································ 7-19 K Motorraum ····································································· 2-4 Motorraum ····································································· 7-2 Kinderrückhaltesysteme ·············································· 3-37R Klimaautomatik ··························································· 4-83 Kombiinstrument ························································· 4-40Reifen und Räder ························································· 7-38 Kraftstofffilter ······························································ 7-28Reifen und Räder ··························································· 9-3 Kraftstoffvorschriften ···················································· 1-3S L Schaltgetriebe ································································ 5-9 Lenkrad ········································································ 4-29Scheibenheizung ·························································· 4-72 Luftfilter ······································································· 7-29Scheibenwisch- und Waschanlage ······························· 4-66 Luftfilter des Klimasystems ········································ 7-31Schiebedach ································································· 4-25 Schlüssel ········································································ 4-3 Servolenkungsflüssigkeit ············································· 7-24 Sicherheitsgurte ··························································· 3-21 Sicherungen ································································· 7-49 Sitze ··············································································· 3-2 Spiegel ········································································· 4-32 Starthilfe ········································································ 6-4 Staufächer ···································································· 4-94 3 I
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year of production from: 2006

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