owners manual Hyundai Ioniq
owners manual Hyundai Ioniq - year of production: 2016 - Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
Driving your vehicle
(Continued) Using ABS ABS cannot prevent a loss of stabili-
ty. Always steer moderately when
On roads where the road sur-To obtain the maximum benefit from
braking hard. Severe or sharp steer-
your ABS in an emergency situation,
face is pitted or has different ing wheel movement can still cause
surface height. do not attempt to modulate your
your vehicle to veer into oncoming
brake pressure and do not try to
Tire chains are installed on traffic or off the road.
pump your brakes. Depress your
your vehicle. brake pedal as hard as possible.On loose or uneven road surfaces,
The safety features of an ABS operation of the anti-lock brake sys-
When you apply your brakes under
or ESC equipped vehicle should tem may result in a longer stopping
conditions which may lock the
not be tested by high speed distance than for vehicles equipped
wheels, you may hear sounds from
driving or cornering.This could with a conventional brake system.
the brakes, or feel a corresponding
endanger the safety of yourself The ABS warning light () will stay
sensation in the brake pedal.This is
or others. on for several seconds after the
normal and it means your ABS is
active. POWER button is in the ON position.
ABS does not reduce the time or dis-During that time, the ABS will go
ABS is an electronic braking system through self-diagnosis and the light
tance it takes to stop the vehicle.
that helps prevent a braking skid. will go off if everything is normal. If
Always maintain a safe distance from
ABS allows the driver to steer and the light stays on, you may have a
brake at the same time. the vehicle in front of you.problem with your ABS. We recom-
ABS will not prevent a skid that
mend that you contact an authorized
results from sudden changes in
HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possi-
direction, such as trying to take a
corner too fast or making a sudden
lane change. Always drive at a safe
speed for the road and weather con-

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year of production from: 2016

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Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
pages 366 - 372
Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
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