For pleasant driving
4. After the voice guide says “Please say,” it will read out
each priority number and phone name pair in order, start- Having the system tell you a list of the registered
ing with the phone that has the highest priority level (from cellular phones
1 to 7). E00728700010
You can use the following procedure to hear a list of the cellu-
Say the priority number of the phone that you want to con- lar phones that are currently registered.
nect to. 1. Press the SPEECH button.
NOTE 2. Say “Setup.”
●You can connect to a phone at any time by pressing the3. Say “Pairing Options”
SPEECH button and saying the priority number, even 4. The voice guide will say “Do you want to Pair a phone,
before all of the priority number and phone name pairs are delete a phone or list paired phones?” Say “list paired
read out by the system. phones.”
5. The Hands-free Bluetooth cellular phone interface sys-
5. After the voice guide says “
selected,” the
tem with voice recognition will read out the paired phones
system will reconnect to the cellular phone. Wait a
moment for the process to complete. in order, starting with the phone with the highest priority
When the confirmaion prompts are on, the system will ask level.
you again whether the phone that you want to reconnect to 6. When the voice guide is done reading all phone names, it
is correct. Answer “Yes” to continue and reconnect to the will say “End of List, would you like to start from the
cellular phone. If you answer “No,” the system will ask beginning?”
To hear the list again from the beginning , answer “Yes.”
“Which phone please?” Select the priority of the phone 5
that you want to connect to. When you are done, answer “No” to return to the main
6. When the reconnection of the cellular phone is completed, menu.
the voice guide will say “ will temporarily
override phone priorities” and then the system will return NOTE
to the main menu. ●If you press and release the SPEECH button and say
“Continue” or “Previous” while the list is being read, the
NOTE system will advance or rewind the list. Say “Continue” to
proceed to the phone with the next highest priority level or
●To change the priority levelof a specific phone, redo the
pairing process for that phone (refer to “Pairing a cellular “Previous” to return to the phone with the previous prior-
phone” on page 5-86). ity level.