owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
WARNING weight does not include passen-of the load (passengers and car-
gers and cargo. go) for the vehicle. This is the
. It is extremely dangerous to ride. GVW(Gross Vehicle Weight) - curbmaximum combined weight of
in a cargo area inside the vehicle.weight plus the combined weightoccupants and cargo that can be
In a collision, people riding inof passengers and cargo. loaded into the vehicle. If the
these areas are more likely to be. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-vehicle is used to tow a trailer,
seriously injured or killed. ing) - maximum total combined the trailer tongue weight must be
. Do not allow people to ride in anyweight of the unloaded vehicle,included as part of the cargo load.
area of vehicle that is not passengers,luggage,hitch,trailer This information is located on the
equipped with seats and seat tongue load and any other op- Tire and Loading Information la-
belts. tional equipment. This informa-bel.
. Besureeveryoneinyour vehicle istion is located on the F.M.V.S.S./. Cargo capacity - permissible
in a seat and using a seat beltC.M.V.S.S. label. weight of cargo, the weight of
properly. . GAWR(GrossAxleWeightRating) - total occupants weight subtracted
maximum weight (load) limit spe-from the load limit.
TERMS cified for the front or rear axle.
This information is located on the
It is important to familiarize yourselfF.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. label.
with the following terms before
. GCWR (Gross Combined Weight
loading your vehicle: Rating) - The maximum total
. Curb Weight (actual weight of yourweight rating of the vehicle, pas-
vehicle) - vehicle weight includ-sengers, cargo, and trailer.
ing: standard and optional equip-. Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load
ment, fluids, emergency tools, limit, Total load capacity - max-
and spare tire assembly. This imum total weight limit specified
9-16 Technical and consumer information
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Infiniti Q50 Infiniti Q50 owners manual
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